Hope everyone is having a wonderful 2012 so far!
I DID manage to get the row completed on Dance of the Graces before the end of 2011, which was my goal! I'm so pleased with myself for being able to do this. Now I'm going to put this away for awhile (or at least until they start screaming at me again), as I really need to get back to work on my special projects. I also have a baby blanket to get stitched by July.
I've spent time working on a Victoria Samplers Ort Bag off and on (taking classes) since September. Last week I completed the last panel of the bag. Now all I have to do is assemble it. I've really enjoyed working on this and have learned several new stitches. It is also the 1st time I've ever worked with Silk threads. I could really get spoiled working with silk! Shame they are soooooo expensive!
One of DD's childhood friends is pregnant and is due in July. I am stitching a Baby Blanket for her. She is into ANYTHING nautical. So, I'm stitching Stoney Creeks Sea Babies for her. There are 13 blocks in total. I've got 1 1/2 blocks done so far. It's turning out really cute!

I've also joined the 2012 HEAD SAL and have signed on to do the SK Blue Moon by Linda Ravenscroft. I'm doing her on 28 ct Dwarf Laguna, 1x1 full stitches. This is BY FAR the smallest I've EVER done. My start did not go at all well!. Started it out with 2x1 and did not like the thickness and had to frog. Frogging on 28 ct over 1 was NOT fun! Then after I restarted it, I realized I have my x's backwards.....LOL..... I absolutely REFUSE to frog it again! So........I have to make a concerted effort to REMEMBER to do the stitches backwards! On top of that, I didn't make much progress this past week, as I was out of about 20 colors and I hit a large section of the chart where the missing colors were! I now have the missing colors and will put a little time on this here and there!

I spent quite a bit of time on my special project so far this month. Completed an entire page of the pattern and have already started on the next page. I'll be spending most of my time on this and the baby afgan in the upcoming weeks.