Since my last update, I've worked some more on my Dance of the Graces and have completed page 12. I'm really getting excited about the picture now! The next two pages will probably go on fairly fast as they are primarily background and the border...As will the top two rows.
We celebrated DD's 23rd birthday over the weekend (although officially her birthday isn't until tomorrow). She wanted to go to an Italian Restraunt (Maggiano's) for her birthday dinner. So we decided to make a Luncheon out of it. Good thing we did too....Ended up being a three-course dinner that took 3 hours! There was sooooooo much food left that we brought home enough for three full meals for us for later this week! But I have to hand it to her....she KNOWS how to pick her restraunts! The food was FANTASTIC! Not diet friendly by ANY means...but GOOD!
I also had made her an Irish Bread Pudding (at her request) for her "birthday" cake. .... Now I had NEVER made this before, but after scouring the internet finally settled on "Gilliand's Irish Bread Pudding" Recipe. DD loved the pudding. Said it was "almost" as good as what you can get at Les Dune Verna (which is an Irish Restraunt in Glendale, AZ).

My TTE2 partner has received her exchange. I made her a needlebook stitching the pattern over one using a pattern called "Alphabet Pumpkin" by Judy Whitman of JBW Designs. After I was finished with the needlebook and was ready to put it in the mail, I found out that my partner didn't want an item that was Halloween or Fallish in design and was also desiring something for her kitchen. Not wanting to disappoint, I redid the exchange (using the same pattern) but changing the colors to a varigated purple (her favorite color) and doing it larger as a trivett. I sent both off

to Jill and received a response that the loved both items and that the needlebook would have been fine all by itself.
Today, I'm making pumpkin puree in preparation for Thanksgiving. Every year I make my Pumpkin pie completely from scratch. Heaven forbid if I should use a canned pumpkin for my Pumpkin Pie! DD can tell...and she will have a coniption! LOL Believe me, I've tried to be lazy upon occasion and used canned and she can tell...how? I don't know...but she can! So.....as soon as

the pumpkins hit the store, I buy them, and start puree'ing....
If I have time, I'll also be making Apple Chips later today. Yum!!