Well....it may not be much, only and inch or so...but we got snow! It's the first time since 1985 that San Antonio has gotten measurable snow. And of course it's shut the city down! It helps that the is also an inch of ice UNDER the snow. Almost makes the three days of sub-freezing temps worth it.......almost. It is pretty. But now I'm ready for the temps to get back up to at least the 40's or 50's. You folks up north can keep your 20's! LOL

DD has been learning embroidery. She decided to work on some towels for a friend of hers that is getting married next month. And she's doing a really good job on them for a first timer!

The material (2nd time around) I ordered for the cookbook project came in yesterday. And I think this time it will work out perfectly. I love the color mom & I chose! I'll start working on this over the weekend...I'll have to go to Hobby Lobby or Michael's to see if I can find beads that will work for this. Hopefully I won't have to order those online too.
And as promised, here is the small project I've been working on this week. It's call "Crane Pillow" (although I'm not making it into a pillow) and the pattern can be found in the Cross-Stitch and Needlework Magazine Sept 2008 issue. I'm doing it on Wichelt Winter White 16 ct. This is a birthday gift for a friend of mine.

I didn't get any stitching done this week on the HEAD Dance of the Graces. With the winter storm that rolled in....we had lots of rolling brown outs and with the lack of "good" lighting, that project was put aside.
So for now.....everyone stay safe, warm......and HAPPY STITCHING!