With the advent of nicer weather I've spent more time outdoors working on getting my vegetable garden beds weeded and ready for planting. Have one bed ready and still have one bed to go. Will work on that one this week.

I've not been lazy on the cross-stitching corner though! I've gotten another page done on the Dance of The Graces. Have another partial page to do and this row will be done.

I've also done quite a bit on the crane picture. I really need to devote more time to this and get it done. My friend's birthday is next month but I will be out of town for her birthday, so I need to get it done prior to then so I can give it to her before I leave. So.....I'll be pretty much working exclusively on this until it's completed. (Sorry - I should have taken the time to iron the wrinkles out of the materials first.)
Then....it's back to the utensils patterns for the cookbook project....as I want to have some of those completed before I leave for Phoenix in April. I want to take those with me to give to my mom so that we can start (hopefully) putting together the cookbooks. Don't know how much with be done on this trip though...as the MAIN purpose of the trip is a mini-family reunion...will be the 1st time in YEARS all my brothers and I have been home at the same time. I'm sooooooooo looking forward to this trip!!!!
I want to extend a thank you to Lynn for explaining what "RAK" meant. I appreciate you taking the time to explaining that to me. I kept seeing that term and for the life of me, couldn't figure it out on my own. Now I know it means "Random Act of Kindness". Again, Thank You Lynn!
I enjoy roaming around out there on blog land and seeing what other things everyone is doing. I'm even surprising myself and finding that I'm liking some things that I didn't think I would. For example....I'm not much of a sampler type of person....but I seem to be drawn to the Quaker style samplers that I'm seeing out there. I guess it's cause they are more geometric rather than your standard "abc" style. I'm not sure what exactly it is that draws me but it does.
I'm also noticing that I like "some" of the Blackbird designs which also surprises me as I'm not much of a "folks artsy" type of person either. But something about the simplicity of those designs are appealing to me.
Wow! Didn't mean to make this a book! Guess I'll sign off for now. Until next time...... Happy Stitching!