I hope everyone had a fantastic Thanksgiving Holiday! I certainly did! We had the family over for dinner on Thanksgiving. DD's boyfriend "popped" the question and we will be spending the next year planning a wedding! I'm sooooooo very happy for the both of them!
I did manage to get DH's ornaments for his office done. They turned out rather nice. I'm going to have to make some more for myself!

I also managed to get another page completed on the Dance of the Graces. This one wasn't quite so confetti heavy but there is still quite a bit of detail in it. Only 2 and a partial pages to go to complete this row.

The fabric finally came in for the charity project I signed up for way back in August and I've been stitching on that since Thanksgiving. It's the first time I've ever stitched anything this size over one and 25 ct. It's going well. I'm one of 20 stitchers who signed up for this project. Once all the pieces are done, they will be stitched together into a quilt and given to Chelsea's mom. The picture that we are stitching is called Chelsea's Gift by Hannah Lynn and the part I'm responsible for is the upper right-hand corner (hair and water).