I know I'm late in updating what I did last weekend during IHSW. But this week has been chocked FULL of doctor appointments (both for me and DH) and allergy shots!
I did work on PR Mystery SAL 2012/13 as I had indicated I would in my last post. As a reminder, here is how she looked before the weekend......2 parts behind with the final part to be released on the 1st.
Imagine my surprise when, over the weekend, I received an email with part 12 (the final part!). Laura released it early! YAY!!!!!! So.........here is what I got done! Page 10, the filigree border and good start on pages 11 & 12! Still quite a ways to go, but am hoping to have the cross-stitching on this done sometime this coming week. Then I'll still have the BS and beading to do!
Laura also announced that there will be another PR Mystery SAL starting up in June! This one will be 9 months long. The sign up have already started and deadline to sign up is June 15th. She has only given a sneak-peek of a tiny corner of it, but it appears to possibly be a mermaid this time around and she promises that it will NOT be full coverage like this past one was. Very intrigueing! Anyone interested can go to:
There is a VERY interesting and different SAL being done by Ink Circles called RYO2013 (Roll Your Own 2013). Tracy has designed a Mandala to be stitched. However, she has not "given" you the colors. The colors are TOTALLY up to you! But don't be afraid, she gives very good guidance and suggestions on HOW to come up with your colors. The SAL for this is through a Yahoo group. After going back and forth on this for about a week or so, I finally dicided to take the plunge and signed up for this one too!
After reading Tracy's "package" (which is only about a page), I decided to go with the colors in my bedroom. And, of course, immediately broke her first suggestion to NOT use ANY shade of brown! LOL! I am doing mine on Dark Chocolate Linen. The outline of the mandala will be in PTP gold rather than the black that she suggests. Then for my 4 family groups I picked, sage green, slate blue, tan (or copper) & dusty rose. Once that was done, I gave Tracy the DMC #'s that I had picked and asked her to make up a "mock" of the mandala for me so that I could get a feel for how the colors worked together. This is how they turned out......she did two of them for me one w/tan & the other w/copper tones.
I DO love how the colors work together! I just have to decide which of the two I like the best! At this momment I am leaning more towards the tan version.....but who knows, I may change my mind once I start stitching it and see how the tan looks up against the gold PTP.
That's all I have for now my friends. Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend! And those of you that celebrate Memorial Day....Stay Safe!!
WIPS into 2025
2 months ago