Happy New Year! Hope this year is as good if not better than the last!

Hope everyone had an enjoyable holiday season. We sure did! We spent the Christmas holidays with our Danish relatives...some of whom we had not seen in over 4-6 years. They came over from Danmark to Texas to spend time with us. It was WONDERFUL to see them all! We spent some time going to some of the old Spanish Missions (The Alamo, Concepcion and San Jose).

Also spent a day in Kingsville at Kings Ranch (was cold and rainy - but a fun day). Kings Ranch was started in the early 1800's and is still a working ranch with a wildlife preserve.

In the meantime, I did complete one of the two breadcloths that I had planned to stitch....the other one got put aside as my DH decided to give his cousins tickets to a SPURS basketball game (as they had never gone to one before) instead. The Breadcloth turned out really well and I liked the material that I had chosen for the backing. The pattern on the material matched the cross-stitched pattern very well.
I also managed to get the pillow case for my DD made (just in the ni

ck of time). I didn't think I was going to make it in time on this - as she kept showing up at odd times while I was stitching on it and I had to make a mad dash to put things up and hide it before she saw what I was working on. Needless to say, she KNEW I was up to something, but not exactly what....
AND....I also managed to get two pages done on my Dance of the Graces....

In the next few weeks I intend to continue to work on the Dance of the Graces as well as start a couple of new projects. I have decided to make ornies for DD's office as gifts next year for Christmas.
I'll also start working on a pattern for the front of a cookbook that my mom and I are putting together full of my Grandmother's recipes. The front of the book will be cross-stitched and we plan to ask my brother to do some of the artwork for the interior of the book. Not only will my grandmother's recipies be in the book, but also antedotes that she had written down before she passed away. We will also be including all of the poems she had written and will be including old photos as well. We hope to have this project completed by Christmas of this year. These books will be given to all the Grandchildren, Children, Sisters, Great Grandchildren and any other family member that would like to have one.....I think we have a count of about 30 to make so far...... This project has been in the works for quite some time, but until now, just on the drawing board. It was actually started when Grandma was still with us. I only wish she were still with us to see it completed.