In that time, I have enjoyed a lovely two weeks in Phoenix visiting with my parents. While there I was able to see my brother and his family, who was in town from Germany. It had been two years since I last saw them! Was nice to spend time with them before they had to go back. I also was able to spend time with another brother and his family - they live in California. They drove over for Easter weekend. My other two brothers live with my parents and was great to spend time with them as well. I must say, my nephews have all grown like weeds!
While there, mom and I worked on the Cookbook. It is really turning out well. When I left, mom still had some to finish assembling. She and my Aunt Barb were (and have) going to go out shopping shortly after I left to find stationary to print the recipe pages on. They are now busily typing and printing those pages up! I don't envy them at all.....Grandma's handwriting can be challenging at best.....added on top of that, she changes cooking terminology like crazy. They are having a blast translating everything into terms that a non-experienced cook can understand! LOL

Also during the past two months, we have welcomed a kitten (Pippen) into the family fold. My daughter has adopted a beautiful American Tabby. He is about 3 months old now. He is a rambunctious little imp! Our days have been busy trying to get him and our 2 1/2 year old Border Collie, Boots, to co-habitat. After two months, Boots is FINALLY looking at the kitten as something other than FOOD! Course, it doesn't help that Pippen is an instigator and just will not leave Boots alone!
I have also not been lazy on the cross-stitching front. I have completed two more pages on the Dance of the Graces. This is really coming along nicely. I am putting this aside this week in favor of another project that I am working on. Unfortunately, I can't say much about this project or even post update pictures as it is a gift for a family member, and that family member has access to this page and I don't want to ruin their surprise.
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